Archive | January 2020

Allergies to wheat and corn?

I’ve been dealing with a bit of an allergy problem since mid December. I’ve been getting hives in combination with acid reflux. My blood tests show an allergy to wheat, corn and an entire list of other foods. I’m a little shocked, since I haven’t had many food reactions since I was young, besides soy. I’ve always been allergic to soy.

And everything has corn and soy in it!!! It’s a bit frustrating to find foods like bread and pasta, since many wheat alternatives are made with corn or soy products. I don’t eat pasta much, but how am I going to enjoy a good cheesy mac and cheese?

My solution: I’m going to venture into baking my own breads and sweets with rice flour or some other alternatives. It’s going to be interesting but something I’ve done in the past for others.

If anyone else out there has the same issues of sudden allergies as an adult, I want to know. What are your secrets when baking? What alternatives do you use? Did the allergy go away? Let me know!

It’s Been A While

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything. I know, I suck! It’s been a little hard the last couple of years for me to get into the things I used to love doing. This blog was just a fun way for me to express myself and the things I loved to do. I still love to do them, but I’ve been feeling like my creative energy has been sucked out. It’s like it left and I have no idea how to get it back. Admitting to having depression and anxiety is hard, but that’s what I have. And that’s why I stopped doing the things I love. I’ve let myself slip into a rut and I don’t want to be in that hole anymore.

I used to care what others would think of me and what I post on here, but I don’t have many followers, so this is more for me than anyone else. It shouldn’t matter what anyone else thinks but me anyway. So, after saying all that, I’m going to try to post again and try to continue doing things that make me happy and fulfilled.