
Happy Earth Day!!!

Everyday should be Earth Day. We should celebrate earth day everyday by giving back and doing what you can. Plant a flower for a bee, start using a reusable bottle, or reducing waste. Whatever your fancy, it’s the small steps that count. When you do your part, the entire Earth benefits.

“You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” ― Jane Goodall


10 Goals for Spring

Due to all that is going on in the world, I made a list of goals I’d like to keep in mind when gardening this year to stay positive. These are just some self motivating things you can say or do to help deal with stress or when you forget to enjoy the world around you.

My Spring Happiness Garden Goals:

  1. Plant as many sunflowers, wildflowers & other pollinator attracting plants as possible.
  2. Plant lots of veggies!
  3. Find a pollinator once a day and observe it’s beauty.
  4. Create a fairy garden and let those fairies fly.
  5. Enjoy the good weather while it lasts!
  6. Step out into the sunshine for at least 30 minutes a day.
  7. Enjoy all the colorful flowers!
  8. Work outside as much as possible.
  9. Watch everything grow!
  10. Don’t stress about planting in any order or for any reason. Just plant, grow, and be happy!

Odd Times

I’ve been doing a lot of gardening and keeping busy to take my mind off the crazy happenings of the world. COVID 19 has put a wrench in a lot of my life plans but has made it a lot easier for me to catch up on gardening and yard work.

The best thing to do now is stay, not necessarily inside, but in your home vicinity. Find a project to get done, do some gardening, or just sit outside on your porch. Despite the fear, I’m attempting to stay positive by doing the things I didn’t have time for before all this.

I’ll try to post as many projects as I can to aid in the efforts of boredom that some people might be feeling. In my life, nothing is ever boring and I never get bored. Hopefully inspiration will strike and I’ll have loads to share.

Stay safe, stay healthy.



Dandelions are one of natures most important flowers. They provide one of the first foods in Spring to many pollinating creatures such as bees and other animals. Dandelions are also considered an herb and are an edible plant. The leaves can be cooked or made into a tea, which provide a number of health benefits.* I can’t stress enough how important bees are. They need to eat too after all, so that in return our fruits and vegetables can be pollinated.

So take a minute to remember, herbicides and pesticides are the worst thing you can do for your yard. Dandelions are sometimes considered a “pest” and a “weed” because they grow in the cracks of driveways and pathways.

A very simple way to get rid of them without using herbicides is to hand pull them. A little work goes a long way. There is no need to spray chemicals, which harm the environment, humans, and can kill important pollinators, such as bees. Plus, they look so beautiful blooming en masse in fields of grass.

As we move from Winter to Spring, I just want to remind everyone of the importance these beautiful flowers have on our environment. Every year I watch dandelions bloom in the field in my backyard and every year I revel in the beauty and sight of these underappreciated flowers. Dandelions can bring a little sunshine into anyone’s life, so enjoy them while they bloom.



*Always consult a professional before picking/eating wild plants you’re not familiar with. Some may be dangerous if ingested.


I’m trying to figure out how to organize everything for my garden this year and I’m having a bit of trouble getting things done. My brain is a little scattered and I want everything done the same day, but that’s unrealistic. Planning has been a challenge because I want everything orderly and perfect, which is also unrealistic.

I just need to stop thinking about it and just do it. I need a push or something to motivate me a bit better. Responsibilities come first and hobbies come last, so it’s tough to get what I want done. My brain feels a bit drained of ideas and I have many unfinished projects in the garden. Hopefully things will fall into place and I’ll get everything accomplished before Spring gets here.

Allergies to wheat and corn?

I’ve been dealing with a bit of an allergy problem since mid December. I’ve been getting hives in combination with acid reflux. My blood tests show an allergy to wheat, corn and an entire list of other foods. I’m a little shocked, since I haven’t had many food reactions since I was young, besides soy. I’ve always been allergic to soy.

And everything has corn and soy in it!!! It’s a bit frustrating to find foods like bread and pasta, since many wheat alternatives are made with corn or soy products. I don’t eat pasta much, but how am I going to enjoy a good cheesy mac and cheese?

My solution: I’m going to venture into baking my own breads and sweets with rice flour or some other alternatives. It’s going to be interesting but something I’ve done in the past for others.

If anyone else out there has the same issues of sudden allergies as an adult, I want to know. What are your secrets when baking? What alternatives do you use? Did the allergy go away? Let me know!

It’s Been A While

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything. I know, I suck! It’s been a little hard the last couple of years for me to get into the things I used to love doing. This blog was just a fun way for me to express myself and the things I loved to do. I still love to do them, but I’ve been feeling like my creative energy has been sucked out. It’s like it left and I have no idea how to get it back. Admitting to having depression and anxiety is hard, but that’s what I have. And that’s why I stopped doing the things I love. I’ve let myself slip into a rut and I don’t want to be in that hole anymore.

I used to care what others would think of me and what I post on here, but I don’t have many followers, so this is more for me than anyone else. It shouldn’t matter what anyone else thinks but me anyway. So, after saying all that, I’m going to try to post again and try to continue doing things that make me happy and fulfilled.



How does someone start a farm?

I’ve recently, or not so recently discovered I’d like to own a farm in the near future. It’s been something I’ve been dreaming about for years, but never thought it could become a reality. This past summer, I ended up working on a farm and loved the experience. I’m still a rookie and have no idea where to start on the financial end of things. My research has been non stop and I’ve discovered many resources and still, I’m confused about where to begin.

I’ve been growing vegetables for  number of years now and would like to turn my hobby into a career. I have a plan of what I want to do and what I want to grow, but how does someone afford to buy a farm in this economy. I live in New York State, not the cheapest for such a venture, so my options are limited because I’d like to stay in NY. I wouldn’t need too many acres because the type of farming method I’d like to use involves small spaces and permaculture.

If anyone out there would like to throw some advice my way, I’d greatly appreciate it.

Spring is here, I think?

It’s been a long winter. Long winters mean no outside time and no pictures to show. However, planting season is upon us here in the Northeast (if this cold ever goes away), so I’ll have some more colorful pictures to show. Spring is my second favorite season because it’s amazing to watch all the plants start to pop out of the ground. All the beautiful greenery starts to come back to life and there are so many beautiful colors in the Spring. It’s an amazing sight to behold! We’re getting snow on and off, so the cold is not quite gone, but I’m still enjoying the crocus and tulips coming out of the ground. Check out my Instagram @peasnharmony for some pics!