Tag Archive | flowers

I’m So Excited and I Just…

I’m excited today because I can now plant things outside! I’ve been waiting for this day since September and now it’s finally time to get a move on gardening. I want to start as early as possible, so I can plant as much as possible. My peas, cabbage, spinach, and broccoli haven’t sprouted yet, but I’ll check again today. I’m thinking that maybe the cold got to them, since we did have a couple of really cold nights. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens.

Better Homes and Awesome Gardens

I found a cool article this morning in the April 2016 issue of Better Homes and Gardens about pollinators and the flowers they love. The article is called Winging It by Karen Weir-Jimerson. My favorite insect is bees, so I loved how the article shows the importance of them. I know it’s strange to love a stinging insect that most people fear, but I’ve always had a fascination with those little bugs. They do so much for our world and are so unappreciated. Every time I plant a flower, my goal is to attract bees and butterflies. I usually don’t buy flowers unless they do attract them. A bee and butterfly garden is the most beautiful thing you can create. It’s so easy too. It’s as simple as throwing a bunch of wildflower seeds on the ground and letting them grow into beautiful colors. So, the next time you decide to plant a flower, think of the little guys you’re providing food for.

6 Reasons to Collect Your Own Marigold Seeds

Marigolds are great plants. They add a pop of color to any garden and repel all sorts of garden pests. Over the past few years, I’ve been collecting the seeds from the marigolds I’ve planted. The result this year was insane! I almost filled a 32oz plastic soup container (reuse, reduce, recycle of course!) with marigold seeds. It took me a couple of hours to separate the seeds from the flower pod, but the work is definitely worth it. You can do this with so many other flowers, herbs, fruits, and vegetables. The benefits of collecting and using your own seeds is fantastic!

  1. It’s environmentally friendly. No resources, except your own energy, is used to get the seeds.
  2. Marigolds are a natural pest repellent in any garden. Having a lot of them is beneficial.
  3. You save money! I haven’t bought marigold seeds in years.
  4. They make a beautiful annual addition to any garden because their color is so rich and bright. Mine have finally bloomed!
  5. As a lovely reader suggested, they are so easy to grow! Marigolds also do well in the heat. I would always forget to water mine and they would survive through anything.
  6. Last, but not least, some species are edible, can be used as a tea, and have herbal properties.
